Paint from the Heart/All Levels

Express your vision, paint from the heart. Whatever opens the gate to your creativity and moves it forward is encouraged. Art is a process; it is often said a journey without an end. We will focus on ways to create paintings that reflect confidence while pushing boundaries exploring new pathways for poetic expression in Oil and Acrylic. The aim is to use the workshop to try new approaches: exaggerated color, energetic brushstrokes, palette knife, working big, working small, etc. It’s about challenging yourself to leave the comfort of familiar methods and embrace discovery as you let intuition guide your artistic choices with your own photographic images. To guide student efforts, attention to composition, values, color harmony, simplifying and use of grays will be reinforced as well as discussion of materials, supports, brushes, and mediums. Oil and Acrylic painters of all skill levels are welcome to this workshop. Class size is limited to 12, so that each student can receive individual attention throughout the workshop. Instructed by Ann Lawtey. (6 class sessions).


Supply List Guide (for questions please email

A POCKET GUIDE TO MIXING COLOR, or a COLOR WHEEL, either is a helpful tool
Optional: Large flat rubber shaper
Canvas or Canvas Paper or Panel: 16” x 20” minimum size requested

Colors: A warm and cool of each primary color such as:
Yellow (warm) -- such as: Cad.Yellow Medium (mineral) or Hansa Yellow m medium (modern)
Yellow (cool) -- such as: Cad Yellow Lemon (mineral) or Hansa Yellow Light m (modern)
Red (warm) -- such as Cadmium Red Light
Red (cool) -- such as Quinacrodone Red or Alizarin Permanent

Blue (warm) -- such as Ultramarine
Blue (cool) -- such as Thalo Blue (Green Shade)
Titanium White or white of your choice

Some Optional colors: Viridian, Transparent or Cadmium Orange, Ivory Black or Blue Black (Paynes Grey), Raw Umber

Plastic tablecloth – rectangular – requested by Easel Art Store
Turpenoid or Gamsol with appropriate containers;
Brushes – Large please; example -- 1/2” flat up to 1” flat or bigger
Optional - Palette knife for painting
Paper towels/rags
Mediums optional, Liquin for fast drying at the beginning
Photographs or resource material

A POCKET GUIDE TO MIXING COLOR, or a COLOR WHEEL, either is a helpful tool
Canvas or Canvas Paper or Paper or Panel: 16” x 20” minimum size requested

Colors: A warm and cool of each primary color such as:
Yellow(warm) -- such as Azo Yellow Deep
Yellow (cool) -- such as Lemon Yellow

Red (warm) -- such as Pyrrole Red
Red (cool) -- such as Quinacrodone Magenta or Alizarin Permanent

Blue (warm) -- such as Ultramarine
Blue (cool) -- such as Thalo Blue (Green Shade)
Titanium White or White of your choice

Some Optional colors: Viridian, Transparent or Cadmium Orange, Ivory Black or Blue Black (Paynes Grey), Raw Umber

Plastic tablecloth – rectangular – requested by Easel Art Store
2 Water Containers – one for clean and one for dirty water
Brushes – Large please; example -- 1/2” flat up to 1” flat or bigger
Optional – Palette Knife for Painting
Paper towels/rags
Acrylic Mediums: optional
Photographs or resource material

The Arts Center is located at 964 East Street, Pittsboro, NC 23712, on the backside of the building. To access the studio, drive straight through the open gate and look for the sign on the door that reads "Arts Center".

Program Type Adult Programs
Program Subcategory Visual Arts
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 1/6/2025
Enrollment End Date 2/10/2025
Ann Lawtey
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum 6
Maximum 12
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum 18 years
Maximum 99 years
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $125.00
Tuesday - 02/18/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center
Tuesday - 02/25/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center
Tuesday - 03/04/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center
Tuesday - 03/11/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center
Tuesday - 03/18/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center
Tuesday - 03/25/2025
Start Time 10:00 AM
End Time 12:30 PM
Location Arts Center